Here at The Creation Station, we believe the ‘Best Franchise’ is one that enables each franchise partner to achieve personal and financial goals, provides fulfilment and adds value to the community. Read how we work with our franchise partners to deliver the Best Franchise.
We are committed to delivering the Best Franchise to our franchise partners. We do this through our award-winning initial and ongoing training, comprehensive support, robust business management systems, innovative and exciting experiences alongside brand integrity, leadership and positioning.
Here are some of the details of what that actually looks like.

Love to find out more about running your own Creation Station franchise?
Number One Art & Craft Activity Provider
Since 2002 we have loved inspiring over 1.5 million children and adults. We are proud to be THE most recommended art and craft provider in the UK.

A Multi-Award-Winning Business
The Creation Station has been recognised for its contributions to the education, entertainment and franchising sectors.
Here are some of the awards received:
- The Most Recommended Children's Activity Company In The UK
- Ranked; #34 Top Franchises in the UK – Elite Franchise
- Winner Most Supportive Franchise and Top Franchise Award – Working Mums
- Winner Sylvia Anderson Award for Creativity
- Winner Best Franchise Children’s Services – Best Franchise Awards
- Winner Best Website – Franchise Marketing Awards
- Winner Excellence and Innovation – Children’s Education Services
- Top Three out of 5,000 companies in Richard Branson’s Impact Award
- Winner Best Creative Play Award
- Finalist Festival Supplier Awards
- Winner Best Woman Franchisor UK
- Winner Best Franchisee Marketing Support
- Winner ‘Crème de la Crème’ Business Award
- Winner 'Best Interactive Business' Award - Mumpreneur

Rated 5-Star By Franchise Partners
We are incredibly proud of our franchise partners, together we bring creativity into all areas of learning, leisure and life.
In October 2023, our franchisees completed an independent satisfaction survey with Workbuzz.
They rated us 5-Star. The results were significantly higher than the industry average.
Here are the results:

- Achieving goals
- Amazing ongoing support from leadership. The leadership are always a phone call or email away from supporting my needs.
- Award winning session plans
- Being able to offer something different to customers
- Being creative with children and families
- Being listened to when I raise a concern
- Being part of a brand rather than a one woman set up. Brand assets, plans and reputation have helped me to progress quickly and successfully with my business
- Best team ever meet
- Bringing such fun and creativity to people's lives
- Building children’s’ confidence
- Creation Station is a well known company that people recognise
- Creative and innovative
- Creative and inspiring service
- Different options available
- Doing something I love
- Earning money doing exactly what I love doing and when I choose to do it.
- Excellent level of support
- Excellent product
- Filled with Creativity, nurturing, inspiration
- Fits around family life.
- Flexibility. it's hard work but you get to choose when/if you work to a certain extent
- Flexibly and ability to spend time with my family
- Friendly Team
- Fun
- Good craft shop
- Great lesson plans
- Good range of revenue streams
- Good support from all other franchisees
- Great marketing resources to grow my business.
- Great resources and lesson plans. My customers always leave happy.
- Having the flexibility of what classes I want to run
- Helping others be creative.
- How rewarding running the classes is
- I feel supported by the network of other franchisees
- I feel well supported by head office and other franchisees
- I have more family time
- I love crafts so it’s like doing a hobby for a living.
- I love running my classes
- Inspiring children
- It allows me more quality time with my family.
- It is so much fun, it often doesn't feel like work.
- Learning new skills
- lesson ideas
- Lots of experience
- Lots of income streams
- Lots of interesting activities
- Meeting new people
- Meeting people
- My perfect business - getting to be creative .
- Network support
- Not having the accountability and restrictions that I had in teaching!
- Nurturing creativity
- Other franchisee support
- People recognise the brand
- Providing classes for kids
- Quality offer that is consistent and supported well with marketing
- Seeing the benefits of what we do
- Sense of family, everyone wants to help each other
- Session Plans and Resources
- Small business with big potential
- Strong trusted brand
- Strong brand
- Support from Head Office is excellent
- Support from fellow franchisees
- The business, many income streams make it easy to get something to work for you and your lifestyle.
- The fact that they strive to improve a franchisees experience be it in training, doing the business and just as a whole
- The freedom to adapt my business to what suits my family the most
- The hugely supportive network
- I love what I do. I love meeting new people and trying new things. No day is the same.
- The loyal customers
- The people in my business and those I meet through it.
- The support - I never feel alone in this. Ever.
- The support given from HO and the rest of the network
- The support network of co-franchisees and such a readily available franchisor, who you know genuinely cares about each and every one of us and will always do everything she can to help move our businesses forward.
- The support of the Franchise
- The tried and tested session plans and resources
- The variety of income streams
- There are many routes to business so it is flexible to my lifestyle and needs
- There is a strong support network amongst franchisees and on a day to day basis from head office
- Training and support
- Variety of income streams
- Very well established & trusted Brand
- Wide range of ages and target audience
- Work/Life Balance
- Working for myself
- Working with children and adults in a creative way
- Working with children and seeing the creativity and having fun in classes
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